Advanced Pronunciation & Articulation


Do you feel comfortable with your vocabulary knowledge, grammar and also comprehension but for some reason people cannot understand what you are saying? Is it made worse over the phone?

We see it time and time again: clients that have devoted years of effort developing their language skills in terms of grammar, vocabulary and even may be extremely skilled in using it, but are really difficult to understand. This is compounded when the individuals work in multicultural environments where there is a broad range of nationalities all using English as a second language.

Seeing that these days most business communications and interactions are actually done over the phone, pronunciation is even more important than ever before.

The Pronunciation Power Workshops (flexible 6 hour course broken up in 1.5 hour blocks over a month period) are designed for already advanced students to build upon their existing language and speaking skills.

Participants will learn:

1. All the sounds of English as well as be taught to hear differences in incorrect pronunciation (most people have not been educated to hear actual differences in sounds).

2. The specific skills needed to be clearly understood face to face and on the phone. This includes improving your pronunciation, intonation as well as voice projection skills.

3. You will practice and exercise those areas of your mouth, lips and breathing that affect your pronunciation (we call this mouth aerobics).