Confidence Building & Public Speaking


Are you afraid of public speaking? Well you are not alone. Statistics show that around 80% of NATIVE ENGLISH speakers are afraid or get intimidated by the thought of presenting themselves in front of an audience.

For those of you that have English as a second or third language, the fear is not just about public speaking, it also derives from a fear of failure in using the language.

Finally approximately 90% of communication is delivered through body language and intonation rather than words. Therefore all good public speakers use a range of gestures and stances to project their messages.

Successful public speaking can be learned! Our training involves:

  • Practice in a protected environment of a range of different presentation scenarios to boost confidence in any presentation environment. 

  • Applying techniques for engaging the audience from opening to close which involves correct structuring and language.

  • Finally message projection from a body language point over view is also an essential element of the training.

The program is designed to give clients the tools that they can use in everyday business life, regardless of whether they are communicating in English or in their native language.


Note that all programs can be delivered and customised in Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, German, Italian and French.





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<p><span style="font-size:14px;">A common queston is of course how much it will cost. Price will depend on the frequency of lessons. However we customise the training once doing a needs analysis with our clients. We can incorporated Presentation, Message Projection Training with Pronunciation together in a language program. Alternatively we can create an intensive 4 week course on just Presentation Training. Email and we can setup a free 90 minute consultation, find out your language objectives and provide you with a proposal.</span></p>