Email & Business Writing


In today's competitive work environment your professionalism and efficiency is not just judged directly by how you speak and communicate but also how well you write a business document or email.

Think about it in your own language. Have you ever judged a person by the way they have communicated to you, or how they have written an email?

What about if you represent an organisation. Can you risk sending out badly written communications to customers and putting your company's reputation on the line? Definitely not!

In our program we will train participants on structuring emails and business documents in the most effective manner to get the message across. We will also present the DOs and DONTs of business writing including formatting, punctuation, tone and language.

This is an exciting program because we tailor it specifically to your needs depending on your business role and functions. We will first design the program based on samples of existing communications, where and how they are being used and to what you are trying to achieve. By taking this approach we can develop a program specifically designed to train you on how to reach out to the reader's mind, evaluate who they are and what they want.

In addition we can also work with you to created standardised emails or documents which can be used as templates for future or generic communications.