"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success".
How can companies be international without having international staff? Having a team of international staff is the only way to develop globally. However this creates a range of issues which can be extremely costly if a company does not approach its international recruitment differently from its domestic hiring:
We offer two distinct Cross Cultural Training programs designed for either individuals or larger organisations:
1. A one day foreign country adaption program for individuals, couples or families moving to a new country.
Two of the most common reasons for moving to another country is either for work or love. Both situations result in the same integration problems. For work, an employee must be able to adapt to new working environments, know how to interact as well as be aware of what to expect when culture shock hits. Finding support as well as knowing how to react are essential skills in a successful business relocations. If there are partners or children involved then the stakes are even higher as all members must integrate equally well. Statistics show that most unsuccessful postings occur because of difficulties from partners or children. No matter whether the posting is successful, a relocation is a challenging event which always places a significant amount of stress on relationships.
2. For companies we offer customised half or full day team workshops (4 + 4 hours).
The program is designed for companies that want to improve the efficiency of multicultural staff by improving cross cultural communication skills. Teams will work directly together in order to develop congeniality and strength as a team. The first part of the program (4 hours) involves education on what is culture, evaluating cultural differences as well as learning about personal cultural influences. Here participants will learn as much about themselves as they will learn about their colleagues. Then companies can opt for a second half day training done either directly after or within a week of the first (this allows for additional time for self reflection as well as an opportunity for participants to do additional study). After reflecting on personal and group inferences, participants will look at country specific situations. We will work with the client to choose the most relevant cultures the teams work with. We will explore as a group working experiences and then find practical working solutions to cultural conflicts. In this part students will be exposed to a range of activities to simulate various nationalities and work in various organizations that operate in a global settings.